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Employers urged to offer training to all

Written by ksimonsen | 10/02/12 12:44

The benefits of allowing all workers to receive training have been emphasised, following the publication of 'shocking' statistics revealed in a new UK Employer Skills Survey, HR Magazine writes.

While the provision of leadership training appears to be prolific in businesses, the report by Unionlearn, the TUC's learning and skills organisation, has found that 46 per cent of British employees did not receive any training last year. That numbers some 13 million people in 41 per cent of organisations.

According to the TUC's general secretary, Frances O'Grady, many "ordinary workers", in particular those who work part time, from home, are older or disabled, missed out on the opportunity to refresh their skills or learn something new.

She added that everyone, "regardless of age, race, gender, class, sexuality or disability" should enjoy equal access to learning and development.

Ms O'Grady also highlighted the business benefits of breaking down any barriers to learning.

"Unlock the talents and skills of your workforce, let them learn and you will be repaid by increased motivation, retention rates and lower sickness levels, not to mention a better skilled workforce," she told Equal and Diverse.

"So I am calling upon each and every employer to make sure that each and every one of their workers has an opportunity to learn."