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More CEOs should use social media, claims expert

Written by ksimonsen | 31/10/11 09:50

A social media expert is struggling to fathom why more CEOs aren't using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Writing for The Independent, Allan Biggar, chairman and founder of All About Brands, questions why so few  CEOs use the internet to "reach out into the marketplace via social media?"

Biggar cites a survey of the top 100 Fortune companies and found some shocking statistics - only two CEOs used microblogging service Twitter and a massive 81 per cent didn't have a Facebook profile.

In addition, professional networking service LinkedIn only harboured a mere 13 CEOs - that's a meagre 13 per cent of Fortune 100 CEOs.

"You could argue that they are successful business leaders because they don't waste their time updating their status or share their pearls of wisdom on a regular basis," writes Biggar. "However, what the savvy ones are doing at present is using social media to listen to the marketplace."

By using social media, CEOs and other c-level executives can directly engage with the marketplace and build brand value. In addition, suggests social media is essential for public relations purposes and corporate marketing.

"My advice to CEOs and business is listen-up and use social media to do just that," concludes Biggar.