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Most CEOs positive about year ahead

Written by ksimonsen | 24/11/11 09:55

CEOs are largely enthusiastic about the year ahead, according to a new poll.

A survey by Hiscox Insurance has revealed that almost half of CEOs worldwide are optimistic about what 2012 holds for their business, compared to just a quarter that aren't.

However, almost half of the business owners surveyed said that they had been somewhat affected by the financial crisis, so such individuals may want to consider seeking advice on raising finance over the next 12 months.

Evaluating the results of the survey for Fresh Business Thinking, Hiscox CEO Bronek Masojada was keen to highlight the mental strength required to be a business owner in the current climate.

He said: "The strength and resilience of entrepreneurs continues to shine through. Every day, SMEs have to assess and manage a wide variety of risks at different levels of intensity.

"Our study highlights their concerns over threats from the global economic environment, which are often very hard to control or even predict. However, it also showed that they are optimistic and believe they can succeed despite this backdrop."

Furthermore, BBC News reports that the majority of those questioned had not experienced any change in the relationships with their banks - despite the economic crisis.