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Richard Branson talks about his new book

Written by ksimonsen | 22/11/11 09:44

Richard Branson's new book encourages entrepreneurs to turn their focus towards away from money and towards their employees.

The hugely successful businessman says that his latest book, 'Screw Business as Usual', demonstrates how businesses can shun capitalism in favour of employee happiness and the plight of the environment.

With a heavy slant on leadership development, he said: "Never has there been a more exciting time for all of us to explore this great next frontier where the boundaries between work and purpose are merging into one, where doing good, really is good for business," according to

The Virgin mogul - the fourth-richest person in Britain, Forbes says - tries to explain how "good" things can be done when considering Capitalism 24902. This is a philosophy created by Branson that states every single business person has a responsibility to everyone in the 24,902 miles that make up the "global village", or planet.

Through a series of highly personal and celebrity-filled stories, the Financial Times says that Branson's passion for planet and desire to make a change in the world through his business ventures is highly evident in the book's message.

"It's a vibrant and definite sea change from the way business was always done, when financial profit was a driving force," Branson adds. "Today, people aren't afraid to say 'Screw Business As Usual' - and show they mean it."