Leading, Not Managing April 15, 2013

Leaders should hold shorter, more frequent business meetings, claims expert


By shortening the length of meetings, as well as holding them more frequently, leaders can break an 'all meetings are bad' mentality exhibited by some senior managers. 

That's according to meetings expert Zach Heller, writing for business2community.com, who suggests that while there are good meetings and bad meetings, leaders should be striving to make all their meetings fall into the 'good' category.

Heller lists a number of elements that comprise a 'good' meeting, such as limiting the number of attendees.

"Only those with direct input to contribute should be involved, one person from each department who can relay the messages back to their team is fine," he said to zachhellermarketing.com.

In addition, meeting leaders need to ensure that the meeting agenda has been read by every attendee and that time shouldn't be wasted by allowing people to get up to speed, which could interest a CEO looking to streamline their meetings.

Another tip outlined by Heller is to make sure meetings run for no more than 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, attendees tend to lose interest so if leaders can cut the time down to 15 minutes, that could be even more fruitful.

Finally, every attendee should be encouraged to participate, adds Heller.

"If a question comes up, each person should get a chance to provide input or solutions," he said.

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