Uncategorized November 28, 2011

Leadership training a popular alternative to a pay rise

Management, leadership training and the prospects of rising through the ranks of a firm could provide more joy to workers than a payrise, reports managers.org.uk.

A new survey suggests that 69 per cent of workers would feel more valued by an organisation if they were offered training opportunities in a bid to progress within the firm or learn more about their chosen sector. Furthermore 66 per cent of workers believed that further training would make them feel better about their job and the company they worked for.

Even young employees recognise the value of training, as respondents aged between 18-24 and 25-34 rated career development opportunities as "the most appealing alternative to a payrise at 33 per cent and 35 per cent respectively".

Leadership training came out on top when it came to the most popular type of training, according to the service, while social media skills and finance/administrative training followed close behind.

Sharon Glancy, a management expert, spoke to eatoutmagazine.co.uk on why training is becoming so popular: "With businesses wary of the economy falling into a double dip recession, resource is stretched and finding ways to keep employees happy and motivated in a cost effective way is a real challenge.

"The appetite for leadership and management training shows we have a working population that is ambitious to step-up and progress their careers," she added.

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