I really like podcasts and one of my favourites is BBC Radio 4’s The Bottom Line. I was recently listening to one of the episodes on customer service, Evan..
I recently saw an article by Fiona Smith on '6 ways to boost your word-of-mouth'. The title in itself grabbed me – why? Because when we ask business leaders..
I recently spoke with Tom Seymour, Sales Director at Durham County Cricket Club who believes that you can build teamwork in your workplace through sports —..
Pixar is an amazing business. Built on imagination and creativity, it harnesses the potential of digital technologies to create the most engaging characters..
Sometimes when you think you are in a conversation with your clients, you really aren’t. We often ask our clients, “When did you last speak to your clients or..
People are the only asset that walk out the door every night and consciously decide whether to return or not the next day. They decide each day whether to..
Getting a new customer might feel more glamorous than retaining one, but your chance of making a new sale with an existing customer is 60-70%. That same..
Successful businesses have a higher purpose, one that stretches and guides them through changing times; one that aligns and galvinises their culture, and keeps..
One business trend that is guaranteed to gain traction in 2016 is data security – with the recent spate of cyber attacks on high-profile targets such as..
Last week, in the first part of this series, we started to look at the barriers a lot of business leaders encounter when faced with the challenge of real..