Vistage UK Blog

91 Results
Leading, Not Managing

February 14, 2020

Vistage 2020 business priorities - Leadership

In late 2019, Vistage carried out a survey to better understand business leaders’ priorities across the UK. Over 250 of our members took part, revealing the..
Leading, Not Managing

August 8, 2019

Leaders: what do they really do?

What do leaders really do? It’s a big question; one which is asked and answered by Vistage speaker and author Jeff Grout. As Jeff puts it, we all understand..
Leading, Not Managing

April 23, 2019

The subtle art of letting go: How to loosen your leadership grip

At inception, the business leader is everything to everyone. There are few successful enterprises that haven’t had a strong, visionary leader at their..
Leading, Not Managing

October 12, 2018

6 ways to Effectively Focus on the Future in an Uncertain World

The first task of all leaders is to recognise that uncertainty is the primary characteristic of the 21st century. We live in a constantly changing and evolving..
Leading, Not Managing

August 28, 2018

5 common traits of the best business leaders (and how you can work on them)

What makes a leader truly great? Each year, thousands of books are written on leadership, seminars are attended all over the world and business leaders go in..
Leading, Not Managing

May 29, 2018

The productivity problem and the role of middle management

With Brexit around the corner and economically uncertain times ahead, business productivity (measured as output over time) has never been more crucial. Yet, in..

August 2, 2017

3 Simple Steps For Creating a Culture of Success

Any first year MBA student can write a business plan, and it’ll probably be a good one - in theory. But a business is much more than strategy, numbers and the..
Leading, Not Managing

March 3, 2017

[SlideShare] Detox Your Business Culture! 5 Ways That CEOs Can Lead the Way

A healthy business culture operates as a workplace democracy of sorts, where each member has their own voice, but the final decision ultimately falls at the..

September 27, 2016

[Quiz] How Strong is the Trust Culture in Your Business?

72% of CEOs indicated that the inability to attract and retain employees with key skills threatens their growth prospects, according to PwC's 2016 global..

August 30, 2016

[Quiz] What Type of Strategic Planner Are You?

Executives who have a bold strategic business plan perform better than their more timid counterparts, according to McKinsey. When tackling strategy, it helps..
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